Wednesday, May 5, 2010

The Seven Chairs

The Seven Chairs

By Morgan Raska
Inspired by Harris Burdick

One day, in the 1900s, there was a paranormal researcher named, Alexandra Phillips. Ms. Phillips has heard of a church that had some paranormal activity in it. She also heard that a few people were talking about the disappearances of 6 other researchers. Alexandra got very curious. Alexandra wanted to solve the mystery and maybe solve why the ghosts would want to make all these people vanish. Maybe they just wanted to make people think that those researchers vanished. She thought that if she went as herself and brought all her equipment with her she would scare away the ghost. Now Alexandra was a very clever girl she thought that if she dressed as a nun she would blend in with the churches atmosphere so that's exactly what she did.

She entered the church and found nothing very interesting just some old bibles and a dusty podium. One thing that did kind of seem a little weird is that she saw one chair sitting right in front of the podium. She didn't spend much time looking at it. Alexandra looked in other places like closets and extra rooms. Ms. Phillips thought to her-self, maybe people were just making up myths about the activity in the church. For about a minute she sat down on a chair and just closed her eyes. She was trying to forget about everything she just told her self.

When she opened them she saw herself floating in mid air!One thing that was not the same as when she closed her eyes, other than floating in mid air, was that she was staring down at two priests. She had no clue who they were. One thing she did know is that they were up to no good. She can hear little whispers most of the time.But she couldn't really understand them because of her heart pounding in her chest.

Alexandra did not know what to do. She tried to get there attention but it was like she was invisible. Then she saw the most terrible thing. Those two priests vanished. They did not vanish in the middle of the room, they vanished as they both collapsed in the middle of the floor! After they collapsed they disintegrated. She knew that there had to be some ghosts in this church and those two priests were the ones she was looking for!

She looked around and saw 6 other researchers in chairs with a blank stare on there faces. None of them seemed very active they just sat there. So she let them be. Eventually she got down after the ghosts dissappeared when she jumped from the floating chair. Alexandra left the church as soon as she could, and told everyone about the people and ghosts she saw. But if you tried to tell someone that you were floating in mid air and saw two ghosts, they would call you crazy! Ms. Phillips had no luck everyone would just laugh.

Alexandra went back to the church but she had no success finding anything she saw earlier. Ms. Phillips never saw the ghosts again. That included the researchers that she never visioned again. She also never saw the 7 chairs ever again in her life.